Sunday 3rd November
Kilquane at 10am
Little Island at 11.30am
Caherlag at 1pm
Rathcooney at 3pm
Sunday 10th November
Ballyluchra at 1pm
Sunday 3rd November
Kilquane at 10am
Little Island at 11.30am
Caherlag at 1pm
Rathcooney at 3pm
Sunday 10th November
Ballyluchra at 1pm
There will be no morning Mass on the following dates as the priests are on Diocesan Retreat
Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th October No Mass in Sacred Heart Church Glounthaune
Thursday 10th October No Mass in St. Joseph’s Little Island
Please contact the parish office if you have any queries regarding Mass times, Baptism or Wedding enquiries etc.
The Parish Office is open Monday to Friday 10am to 12 noon. 021 4353366 or